Lionsgate Studios to Distribute Megalopolis

Lionsgate Studios to Distribute Megalopolis

Adam Fogelson, chair of the Lionsgate Motion Picture Group, announced today that Lionsgate Studios will distribute Francis Ford Coppola’s epic Megalopolis, fresh off its electrifying debut in Cannes, in theaters in the U.S. and Canada. Megalopolis will be released in domestic theaters and in IMAX on September 27, 2024. The agreement extends the studio’s longstanding…

65 Review

65 Review

I may be showing my age a bit with this review. It’s easy to forget, in this modern age of cinematic universes and big budget extravaganzas, just how much Star Wars shifted the paradigm, and how much movie studios tried to follow in its success in the 1980s. A lot of it died on the…

House of Gucci Review

House of Gucci Review

There is a scene in House of Gucci where Patrizia Reggiani-Gucci (Lady Gaga) comes across a back alley vendor selling fake Gucci bags to unsuspecting housewives on the cheap. Married to Mauricio Gucci (Adam Driver), Patrizia has decided to take an active role in the Gucci family company to the consternation of the rest of…

The Last Duel Review

The Last Duel Review

The Last Duel is a film full of contradictions; indeed, the contradictions are the point. This is not the first time this kind of subject matter has been handled this way, with multiple perspectives and the ephemeral nature of truth. This isn’t even Ridley Scott’s first foray into French dueling stories; his first film, The…