The Walt Disney Studios has announced that production on the sequel to Freaky Friday, the studio’s hit comedy starring Jamie Lee Curtis and Lindsay Lohan, began today in Los Angeles. A sequel to the beloved 2003 film with a multigenerational twist, the film picks up years after Tess (Curtis) and Anna (Lohan) endured an identity …
Chad Michael Murray
Netflix has shared the trailer and poster for Mother of the Bride, which will begin streaming globally on May 9, 2024. The film was directed by Mark Waters, who is known for Freaky Friday, Mean Girls, Just Like Heaven, The Spiderwick Chronicles, Ghosts of Girlfriends Past, Mr. Popper’s Penguins, Vampire Academy, and Bad Santa 2. …
The CW Network has handed an early season two renewal to the original drama series Sullivan’s Crossing, it was announced today by Brad Schwartz, President of Entertainment, The CW Network. Based on the books (buy now at Amazon) by #1 New York Times bestselling author Robyn Carr, Sullivan’s Crossing stars Morgan Kohan (Transplant, Batwoman), Chad …