Today, Apple TV+ debuted the trailer for the upcoming live-action comedic adventure Time Bandits, the first-ever television adaptation of the beloved cult classic movie by the same name. The series was created for television by Jemaine Clement (Flight of the Conchords), Iain Morris (The Inbetweeners), and Taika Waititi (Reservation Dogs) and produced for Apple TV+ …
Time Bandits
Apple TV+ has announced the programming that will be added to the streaming service next month. The Apple TV Plus July 2024 lineup includes the thriller series Sunny, the family series Me, the limited series Lady in the Lake, the docuseries Omnivore, the comedic adventure series Time Bandits, and the crime drama Women in Blue …
Today, Apple TV+ announced the premiere date for the all-new comedic adventure series Time Bandits, the first-ever television adaptation of the beloved cult classic movie, to launch globally on Wednesday, July 24. The series was created for television by Jemaine Clement (Flight of the Conchords), Iain Morris (The Inbetweeners), and Taika Waititi (Our Flag Means …