Today, Apple TV+ unveiled the trailer for The New Look, a new, gripping historical drama series from Todd A. Kessler, starring Emmy Award winner Ben Mendelsohn as Christian Dior and Academy Award winner Juliette Binoche as Coco Chanel. Inspired by true events and filmed exclusively in Paris, The New Look centers on fashion designers Christian …
Maisie Williams
Apple TV+ (try it free) today unveiled the first photos from The New Look, a new, 10-episode gripping historical drama series from Todd A. Kessler. The cast includes Emmy Award winner Ben Mendelsohn as Christian Dior; Academy Award winner Juliette Binoche as Coco Chanel; Maisie Williams as Catherine Dior; John Malkovich as Lucien Lelong; Emily …
Tickets for The New Mutants recently went on sale, and Vital Thrills got a chance to chat with the cast during a virtual press conference for the anticipated movie. Participating were Maisie Williams, Anya Taylor-Joy, Alice Braga, Charlie Heaton, Blu Hunt, Henry Zaga, and writer/director Josh Boone. The cast talked about the film finally getting …
The terminal romance plotline is a familiar favorite for those who love the Young Adult genre. The plot generally focuses on two main characters, with one of them having a terminal disease that will eventually kill one of the characters that we grow to love. Sometimes, there is a romantic element, but other times, the …