Today, Disney+ released the trailer and key art for Lucasfilm’s upcoming original animated series Star Wars: Tales of the Empire. The new series, which is the second installment of the Tales series, stylistically follows 2022’s critically acclaimed Star Wars: Tales of the Jedi. Tales of the Empire launches exclusively on Disney+ on Star Wars Day, …
Lars Mikkelsen
Disney+ has shared a new featurette, titled “Rebel Crew,” to celebrate the launch of Lucasfilm’s newest series Star Wars Ahsoka, which began streaming today with the first two episodes. Joining the celebration, The Walt Disney Company is launching a lineup of early access Star Wars Ahsoka shopDisney products for U.S. Disney+ subscribers, which are also …
Disney+ has released the official trailer and key art for Lucasfilm’s anticipated Star Wars: Ahsoka series, which will debut on the streaming service on August 23 with the first two episodes. In addition to the new trailer below, we’ve also include the featurette “Journey to Ahsoka,” in which you can learn more about the series …
Today, Disney+ revealed August 23 as the premiere date for Lucasfilm’s Star Wars: Ahsoka. To celebrate the upcoming series, Disney+ also debuted a TV spot (watch below), which will also air tonight during the NBA Finals Game 3, and released three images from the series. Set after the fall of the Empire, Star Wars: Ahsoka …