Eternals Cast and Crew on the Anticipated Marvel Studios Film

Eternals Cast and Crew on the Anticipated Marvel Studios Film

Vital Thrills got a chance to join the Eternals press conference to learn all about the latest offering from Marvel Studios. The anticipated film opens exclusively in theaters on November 5. Directed by Oscar winner Chloé Zhao (Nomadland), Marvel Studios’ Eternals welcomes an exciting new team of superheroes to the Marvel Cinematic Universe. The epic story, spanning…

Eternals Movie Review

Eternals Review: The Chloé Zhao-Directed Marvel Studios Film

With one or two really, really well-known exceptions, it’s become the kiss of death for a fantasy sci-fi epic to open with a scroll of exposition. Not because it presages the filmmaker’s concerns that audiences won’t understand enough of the nuances of the backstory to engage with the prime narrative properly. But because the opening…