Netflix has officially announced its three-part documentary series Arnold, an intimate look inside the life and career of Arnold Schwarzenegger. The documentary pulls back the curtain like never before. Arnold, debuting June 7, 2023, chronicles Arnold Schwarzenegger’s journey from the countryside of Austria to the highest echelons of the American dream. In a series of …
Arnold Schwarzenegger
Netflix today released the official first look at Fubar (previously announced as the “Untitled Arnold Schwarzenegger Project”), premiering globally on May 25, 2023. You can watch the teaser using the player below and keep scrolling for more photos. The action-comedy spy series marks Arnold Schwarzenegger‘s first-ever television project. In Fubar, starring and executive produced by …
If the Terminator films have taught us anything, it’s that freezing an object makes it brittle and easily broken, and putting it back together again requires a lot of molten steel to come pouring out of the smelter you’ve just driven a tanker truck into. At least one of those observations is pertinent to Terminator: …