Netflix has given the green light to a second season of critically-acclaimed animated series Blue Eye Samurai, which was recently named by Vanity Fair as one of the best TV series of 2023. You can watch the streaming service’s season two announcement video by clicking here. “When we started this project, we made a commitment …
Masi Oka
Netflix has revealed the official trailer and soundtrack for Blue Eye Samurai ahead of the animated series’ November 3 debut on the streaming service. The provocative and visually-stunning cinematic series immerses the viewer in a world of vivid adult animation with a live-action edge. Set in Edo-period Japan, Blue Eye Samurai follows Mizu (voiced by …
Ladybug is a freelance “snatch and grab” man who has extraordinary bad luck in Bullet Train. But after going away and reassessing his life, he finds himself re-energized and ready to get back in the game. He accepts a new job from his handler, Maria. Ladybug is to get on a bullet train in Japan …
Pretty, lighthearted, charming, and as fleeting as its namesake, Bullet Train is also a pointless exercise in action filmmaking from 25 years ago but has little to offer today. Filled with nameless, unformed characters thrown back in and forth in time in a constant struggle to provide both context and surprise, Bullet Train‘s inability to …
Spies in Disguise opens in theaters on Christmas Day, and recently got a chance to attend a roundtable discussion with directors Troy Quane and Nick Bruno, as well as star Masi Oka (Heroes). We learned all about how this is a love letter to spy movies, the worst thing Oka’s character, Kimura, has ever …