Jamie Foxx and Corinne Foxx Return to Beat Shazam

Jamie Foxx and Corinne Foxx Return to Beat Shazam

Award-winning actor, singer and comedian Jamie Foxx will make his return as host and executive producer of the hit interactive music game show Beat Shazam alongside his daughter, producer and activist Corinne Foxx, who will return as co-host and deejay. Jamie Foxx and his daughter took Season 6 off after the actor was hospitalized in…

Strays Movie Review

Strays Movie Review

Director Josh Greenbaum’s previous film, Barb and Star Go to Vista Del Mar, hit at a certain time during the pandemic, where people weren’t going to theaters, so studios were releasing films through streaming and having very successful engagement. Barb and Star was funny, quirky, and different, but I have the feeling that if things…

No Way Home Box Office

Spider-Man: No Way Home Movie Review

The third film tends to be tough for Spider-Man. The third Sam Raimi film suffered from competing priorities between filmmaker and producers, resulting in multiple entries worth of story being crammed into one movie. The third Marc Webb Spider-Man topped that by never even happening after making the same mistake as the Raimi series, just…

Soul Review
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Soul Review: The New Pixar Film Coming to Disney+

Pixar films, at their best, are wildly imaginative, speaking to children and adults alike. On paper, most Pixar films have basic scenarios with complex themes – toys that come to life or the monsters under the bed become surrogates for parenthood; a family of superheroes gives way to themes of isolation, self-worth, and our place…