Apple TV+ today released the trailer for Apple Original special The Velveteen Rabbit, premiering globally on Wednesday, November 22. The new special based on the treasured, classic children’s book by Margery Williams, celebrates the magic of unconditional love. In the special, when 7-year-old William receives a new favorite toy for Christmas, he discovers a lifelong …
Helena Bonham Carter
Netflix shared new character posters for the highly anticipated sequel Enola Holmes 2, which will launch globally on the streaming service on November 4, 2022. You can view all the posters by scrolling down. In the highly-anticipated sequel, Enola Holmes is now a detective-for-hire like her infamous brother and takes on her first official case …
Netflix has shared the official trailer and poster for Enola Holmes 2, launching globally on the streaming service on November 4, 2022. In the highly-anticipated sequel, Enola Holmes is now a detective-for-hire like her infamous brother and takes on her first official case to find a missing girl. The cast includes Millie Bobby Brown, Henry …
Netflix has released the first photos from Enola Holmes 2, launching globally on the streaming service on November 4, 2022. You can view the photos by scrolling down. In the highly-anticipated sequel, Enola Holmes is now a detective-for-hire like her infamous brother and takes on her first official case to find a missing girl. Fresh …
Netflix has revealed that Enola Holmes 2 (an official title has yet to be announced) has wrapped filming and released a clip from the last day of production. You can check out Millie Bobby Brown (Stranger Things) and Louis Partridge celebrating the last scene Louis filmed below! Henry Cavill (The Witcher) will also return as …