Simultaneously explorative and deeply reductive, Andrew Dominik’s adaptation of Blonde delves as deeply into Marilyn Monroe’s (Ana de Armas) battle between her public and private personae as anyone ever has, but the film only manages to find tired Freudian pop answers beneath the sediment. Joyce Carol Oates’ semi-biographical novel (Order Now) provides a moderate starting point, turning …
Netflix has released the official trailer for the Blonde movie about Marilyn Monroe. You can check out the trailer using the player below, and you’ll find the poster and new photos underneath. The highly-anticipated Blonde movie is coming to the streaming service on September 28, 2022. Rated NC-17 for some sexual content, the film is …
Netflix has released a first look at Blonde, the highly-anticipated film coming to the streaming service on September 23, 2022. Rated NC-17 for some sexual content, the movie is based on the bestselling novel by Joyce Carol Oates. Blonde boldly reimagines the life of Marilyn Monroe (played by Ana de Armas), exploring the split between …