GKIDS has announced the English voice cast for acclaimed Oscar-winning filmmaker Hayao Miyazaki‘s new feature, The Boy and the Heron. The English-language dubbed version of the film will feature the voices of Christian Bale, Dave Bautista, Gemma Chan, Willem Dafoe, Karen Fukuhara, Mark Hamill, Robert Pattinson, and Florence Pugh. Luca Padovan joins the cast as …
Karen Fukuhara
Pretty, lighthearted, charming, and as fleeting as its namesake, Bullet Train is also a pointless exercise in action filmmaking from 25 years ago but has little to offer today. Filled with nameless, unformed characters thrown back in and forth in time in a constant struggle to provide both context and surprise, Bullet Train‘s inability to …
Today, Prime Video (try it free) announced the premiere date for The Boys Season 3 and released a first-look video, which you can see here! The Boys Season 3 will debut with three episodes on Friday, June 3. New episodes will be available each Friday following, leading up to the epic season finale on July …