Showtime has revealed the official trailer for Let the Right One In, the thriller drama series coming to streaming and on-demand for all Showtime subscribers on Friday, October 7. The show will make its on-air debut on Sunday, October 9, at 10 p.m. ET/PT. You can watch the trailer using the player below. Led by …
Demian Bichir
Showtime has revealed the teaser trailer for Let the Right One In, the new thriller drama series coming to streaming and on-demand for all Showtime subscribers on Friday, October 7. The show will make its on-air debut on Sunday, October 9, at 10 p.m. ET/PT. Led by Oscar nominee Demián Bichir (A Better Life), the …
Beautiful, sad, and distant, Land is like the mountainous horizon. Would-be woodswoman Edee (Robin Wright) spends much of her time gazing at a picture-perfect artifice that may be full of significance but is just as likely a mere empty view. On the surface, it is an elegantly paced tone poem of reflection, juxtaposing the uncaring …