The Max Original documentary series On the Roam, starring Jason Momoa, has been renewed for a second season. The remaining two episodes of this season will debut on Thursday, February 8, on Max.
On the Roam is an eight-part cinematic docuseries following Jason Momoa as he travels the country chasing art, adventure, and friendship through the lens of craftsmanship.
The series was created, co-directed, and executive-produced by Jason Momoa. Brian Mendoza and Kyle Wheeler executive produce, while James Mendoza produces, and Paris Herbert-Taylor is a co-producer.
“It’s an absolute honor to work with Warner Bros. Discovery and Max on another season of On the Roam; it’s a dream come true!” said Jason Momoa. “I put my heart and soul into this show, and I am thrilled to dive back into the untamed beauty of On the Roam for another season – it will be an extraordinary adventure!”
“We’re so happy to be going On the Roam with Jason for another season,” said Nina Rosenstein, EVP of HBO Programming, Late Night, & Specials.
“His passion shines through in every episode, and the joy he gets from introducing us to these amazing artisans is infectious. It’s such a beautifully crafted series, and we hope that it inspires audiences to discover their own passions.”
Mirko Parlevliet has been reporting on the entertainment industry since 1998 and founded Vital Thrills to provide the latest news on streaming, movies, and TV shows. He previously created the websites ComingSoon, SuperHeroHype, and ShockTillYouDrop.